I lived in Mexico city for about a year and a half. while i was there i discovered the practice of sculpture, up until that point my practice had been predominately painting, drawing and photography based. My background in terms of drawing and painting is very figurative, however in the past two years I have moved into more abstract and organic forms.This began with the foam works, using this material really started an interest, as it was the first time using materials where I didn’t have full control over what was happening, as to make the foam works I was burning it and cutting it and pouring wax on it.This led to the wax works, the idea of encasing structures into wax got me really excited. Especially the aspect of having to work really quickly and almost battling with the piece.The significance of the wax, the idea of things being submerged in a material. For me it is exploring the atmosphere of ones own mind, how events, experiences all impact your own atmosphere.